Case Study: Composite Power Pole Benefits Out-Weigh Those of Wood and Concrete
Recently, Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES) had a high profile transmission line installation in Northeast Tennessee. The municipally-owned electric utility, which also provides Internet, telephone and cable television services over a fiber optic system, needed a durable, quick and easy installation. Due to previous installations over 15 years ago in other BTES locations, Strongwell’s SE28 power poles were again chosen to carry the transmission line with 69 kV sub transmission with a 13.2 kV under build. The power poles ranged in lengths of 55 to 80 ft. and were installed within two cities and one county.
Although very strong, Strongwell’s SE28 power poles are extremely light weight compared to traditional wood, steel or concrete poles. Up to 16 of the SE28 poles can be loaded onto delivery trucks at one time. BTES crew members enjoy how easy the SE28 poles are to install, despite the rocky soil and high water tables. Unlike concrete poles which require the use of a crane, the FRP poles can be lifted with a line truck.
Product: Transmission Poles with Lighting |
Process: Pultrusion |
Materials & Sizes: Fiberglass reinforced vinyl ester 55- to 80-foot tapered poles |
For: Bristol Tennessee Essential Services |
User: Bristol Tennessee Essential Services |
BTES continues to save time in handling and installation by choosing Strongwell’s SE28 pole.
As an added bonus, each pole is capable of performing double duty since the poles are capable of supporting transmission lines as well as lighting. This eliminates any need for future lighting pole installations. To date BTES has utilized over 330 poles within its 280 square mile service area that services over 33,000 electric customers.