Technical Capabilities
With a 10,000 square-foot on-site R&D laboratory and full-time R&D staff, Strongwell can perform most testing procedures, material qualifications and quality experiments in house. These resources provide Strongwell, its customers and suppliers technical expertise that is unmatched in the pultrusion industry. Below is a summary of Strongwell's technical capabilities.
Decades of experience in mechanical testing of common to exotic reinforcements.
Deflection testing a composite crossarm.
Composites analysis capabilities including Finite Element and Classical Laminated Plate Theory using in-house generated lamina data.
Rapid Prototyping: In-house 3D printing capabilities offer Strongwell’s R&D lab the ability to quickly create test fixtures and concept prototypes.
Dedicated laboratory pultrusion machine managed and operated by a full time Research & Development Engineer and dedicated machine operator.
Competency in conducting Design of Experiments to reduce testing time.
Material testing machines capable of loads as high as 120,000 lbs-force.
Full Scale Testing Machine: 3-Point Bend Test Machine capable of applying loads up to 30,000 lbs-force on 22-foot clear spans.
Environmental Chamber for elevated temperature coupon testing.
Weatherometer and material conditioning capabilities including programmable UV, temperature and condensation.
Laboratory machine shop to prepare ASTM test coupons and custom test specimens.
Custom design and testing capabilities, including custom fixture design and setup, custom laminate designs and access to Strongwell’s in-house machine shop to fabricate test fixtures.
Dedicated environmentally controlled Mechanical Test Lab
Dedicated environmentally controlled Electrical Test Lab
Rheology/DMA to determine glass transition temperature and other viscoelastic properties of resin mixes as well as solid composites.
Viscosity and cure (180°F gel) testing capabilities for neat resins and resin mixes.
Color matching capabilities for resins, finished pultrusions and topcoats.
If you have additional questions about Strongwell's technical capabilities, please contact us.