Case Study: FRP Bike Path Helps Cyclists and Pedestrians Gain Trail Access

0583-SF Bay Bike Path Main0583-SF Bay Bike Path DetailsThe San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in California recently opened a new east span biking path utilizing Strongwell EXTREN® plating for its walking/biking surface. The new Bay Bridge Trail may become a major commuter route between Oakland and San Francisco in the near future.

The bridge runs between Oakland and Yerba Buena Island offering fantastic views of the bay. Currently the 15-½ footpath has a two percent grade with built-in belvederes for pedestrians, westbound cyclists and eastbound cyclists. The three smooth lanes extend three-fourths of the 2.2 mile length of the bridge and become a dead-end before reaching Yerba Buena Island. The continuance of the bike path into Yerba Buena Island will be completed in late 2014 or early 2015.

Product: Commercial Recreational Surface
Process: Pultrusion
Materials: EXTREN® Series 525 fiberglass reinforced polyester, UV coating
Sizes: EXTREN® 3/8" Plate
For: Squires Lumber and San Diego Plastics
User: CalTrans

Strongwell’s EXTREN® 1/8" x 4' x 15' plate was chosen by the bridge engineering group along with CalTrans Engineers. MCM Construction, an award winning California bridge contractor, installed the material and noted excellent results. Medium epoxy non-slip surfacing was applied to provide multiple years of service, even with daily use. Corrosion will also never be an issue, ensuring dependable and safe access for the bicycling advocates in San Francisco and the Greater Bay area. The lightweight, nonconductive panel design will also allow maintenance workers greater flexibility for repair access when deemed necessary.

Due to the complexity and short-lead deadlines on this public project, Squires Lumber supplied the product and San Diego Plastics offered technical support and expedited delivery throughout the phases of installation.

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