Investing in LEADers
On May 8, 2014, Te-kai Shu (Print and Social Media Specialist-Bristol) graduated with perfect attendance from the 29th class of the LEAD Bristol! program. Available to all Bristol area businesses, LEAD Bristol! is a nine-month adult training program which focuses on providing transcendental and servant leadership skills essential to leadership development. Throughout the program, LEAD Bristol! utilized local experts to share knowledge in areas such as business ethics, communications, diversity and many other topics crucial in building leadership abilities.
As a part of the overall curriculum, LEAD Bristol! participants are assigned a service project to implement the skills they have learned and use them for the betterment of the community. Te-kai and his cohort group created a program, YP Bristol, to assist the United Way of Bristol in creating a new generation of leaders made up of millennials. This program seeks to engage young leaders and encourage them to grow professionally and personally through involvement in community service agencies. Congratulations and well done, Te-kai!