UT Engineering Ambassadors Graduate into Composite Materials
On December 4th, 2013, 20 students and staff members from the University of Tennessee’s Engineering Ambassadors Group were invited to Strongwell for a visit. David Ring (Manager of Government Affairs), Meghan Carty (Pricing Manager), Melissa Harrison (Fabrication Estimator), Jeff Roberts (Custom Products Manager-Bristol) and Te-kai Shu (Print and Social Media Specialist) provided plant tours. Afterwards, a lunch and learn session was led by John (Chairman of the Board) and Spike Tickle.
Strongwell is an avid supporter of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) development within institutions of higher learning.
During their visit, students were invited to the operations, research and development, marketing, and sales functions that Strongwell engages on a daily basis within the composites and manufacturing industry. Other topics which were discussed included: thermoset vs thermoplastic composites, market and job growth, potential role of 3D printing, raw materials, how closely concrete resembles FRP and the high tensile strength of composites.
Strongwell would like to extend thanks to Dorothy Bryson (Executive Director, College of Engineering), Wayne Davis (Dean, College of Engineering) and the University of Tennessee Engineering Ambassadors for coordinating and taking the time to visit Strongwell.