Emerging Leaders Learning How to Lean In


L:R (Carrie White, Shelly Wiseman)

Carrie White (Quality Assurance Manager-Bristol) and Shelly Wiseman (Material Control Manager-Bristol) were recently invited to attend EMERGE, a high impact quarterly development series geared toward women of Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee. EMERGE came about after an initial regional survey conducted by the YWCA of Bristol discovered that regional access to ongoing development training for women was lacking. Local, regional and national experts were invited to share with attendees how to be defined as better workplace influencers through knowledge and skill empowerment, engaging in peer conversation and embracing a community of women who will emerge as stronger leaders.  Key speakers were Joan Cronan (Women’s Athletic Director Emeritus from the University of Tennessee), Cheryl Stapleton , (VP of Learning and Development for Alpha Natural Resources), and Jessica Stollings, (Speaker, author and founder of Regenerations).