The Best Materials for Tool Handles

Tools from shovels to axes require a strong and durable material for their handles as they need to withstand high levels of force and wear and tear. Traditionally, tool handles have been made from wood or steel but in recent years FRP has emerged as a popular choice.

This article will explain some of the benefits of different materials for tool handles.

Wood for Tool Handles

Wood is the original handle used for tools, owing to its strength, ready availability, and overall aesthetically pleasing look. Wooden tool handles can absorb shocks, however, this can be hazardous for users with joint problems.

Wooden handles are also extremely cheap, handling extreme temperatures well. However wooden tool handles are extremely sensitive to the environment and can break easily. Wood can absorb water and splinter easily.

Steel Tool Handles

Whilst tools with steel handles are rare, they are extremely durable. When the tool head is welded to the handle the tools become extremely strong. However, steel handles transmit most of the shock from impact into the user’s hands which can be detrimental to user comfort and health and, in the case of tools used near electrical applications, increase the risk of electric shock.

Fiberglass Tool Handles

Fiberglass is extremely well suited to tool handles owing to its lightweight yet strong characteristics. FRP can be strongly attached to the metal of the tool body and this strength of connection guarantees a long-lasting performance for a lower weight.

Fiberglass is not subject to any of the environmental impacts that wooden tool handles as fiberglass does not readily absorb water. Fiberglass tool handles also have great shock absorption qualities, minimizing the overall strain put on the user.

Fiberglass tool handles are also available in a range of sizes and styles, with handles that can be suitably matched to the specific needs of the customer.


Strength Benefits of Fiberglass Tool Handles

At Strongwell, fiberglass tool handles are created with treatment and production plans to ensure the utmost strength, consistency in performance, and long-term durability. Strongwell’s manufacturing process,  called pultrusion, allows these tool handles to stand the test of time, be less subject to environmental damage and set them apart from metal and wood alternatives.

The Best Tool Handles for Your Application

All of the materials that are frequently used for tool handles have upsides and downsides. However, the clear front runner in terms of flexibility, durability, and strength is the fiberglass tool handle.

Strongwell has a range of tool handles that are fully customizable to suit your needs. To find out more, get in touch with the team today.